Feedback from Lithuanian students on mobility in Vasto- Italy
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Feedback from Lithuanian students on mobility in Vasto- Italy
The universe gives you the opportunity to find yourself in completely new and unknown waters, a place that allows you to get wonderful emotions, friends and experiences. The trip to the hotel was like flying through the fields of space. The darkness of the night and the lights mingled together in an endless dance and allowed us to delve into the soul of Italy and its meaning. The hotel was located near the old town with its amazing architecture and Masonic history. The project was dominated by activities that involved all countries (Lithuania, Italy, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Greece, Turkey and Romania), which performed tasks and various activities in a friendly manner. From the whirlwind of songs on the mountain, when all countries presented their songs, to cozy walks in the streets of Vasto and making friends in restaurants. A trip to the reserve helped pave the way for the muses of inspiration who come each time playing their own harps. We saw not only the sea, but also endless meadows where eternal peace prevailed. Immersion in the architecture and culture of the old town made me think about life and its meaning. It's like walking in a completely unfamiliar country, but everywhere you feel the smell of home. Narrow streets, churches, monuments - everything made me admire. A trip to Naples showed how different sides of a coin a country can be. There was a high level of urbanization, wide streets, endless movement and music of all kinds. The difference between the cities allowed me to draw inspiration and melancholy. The trip opened the door not only to the country's soul and architecture, but also to new acquaintances and friends, because that's what the project was created for - cooperation and friendship.

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