Vilnius Žemynos gymnasium
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Vilnius Žemynos gymnasium
Vilnius Žemynos gymnasium is a safe and comfortable oasis dedicated to the main goal of educating talente students. This aim is achieved due to the fact that the team of teachers work effectively and in harmony, they feel deep responsibility for their work and ensure that the school fosters openminded citizen of Lithuania, that the school is able to fulfil educational, self-expression and cognitive needs of its students and helps pupils to acquire general academic, social, moral, ethnic, civil maturity. Vilnius Žemynos gymnasium is a public educational institution based on democratic principles that provide high-quality basic and secondary education for the residents of Pasilaiciu, Seskines and surrounding neighborhoods. The school is also engaged in non-formal education, the formation of a creative, pro-active personality, who is able to communicate and collaborate successfully. In addition, you can choose to study a third foreign language (Japanese, Italian, French, Turkish, German, Russian) and modules of drawing, design and programming. There are some non-formal education circles in the gymnasium. They are as follows: Business, Sports clubs, Arts, Dance, Choir, brass orchestra Jovaras, Theater, Design, Gymnasium Chroniclers, Young Philologists, Environment Protection, Information Technology, Foreign Languages, Athletics, Aerobics, Basketball, Volleyball , Football, Chess and Badminton. Website :

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