Dimitar Vlahov
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Dimitar Vlahov
The School for Visually Impaired Children and Youth "Dimitar Vlahov" -Skopje, North Mcedonia is the only institution in the entire country where primary and secondary vocational education of visually impaired students is conducted. The School for Rehabilitation of Visually Impaired Children and Youth has exists more than 60 years. Main task is to educate and rehabilitate visually impaired children to the point of independence for professional and personal life. The ultimate goal is the integration of these children in all spheres of social life and action. The methods used are tailored to the needs arising from the psychophysical abilities of children (blind, partially sighted, and children with combined disabilities). Within the schools there are couple of departments: PRIMARY SCHOOL; SECONDARY VOCATION SCHOOL; ELEMENTARY MUSIC SCHOOL. In addition, the school has a student dormitory that satisfies the capacity of about 90 beds and accommodates visual imapired students, as well as students from regular high schools who come from inside, thus DURDMOV promotes social inclusion, overcoming prejudice and discrimination, spreading of equal values. The school employs 7 special educators, 4 specialized teachers only for visual impaired students, 2 psychologists, 20 subject teachers, medical, technical and administrative staff. The school cooperates with many institutions within the country and abroad. Curentlly in the school there are 4 Erasmus+ KA 2 projects.

Website: https://durdmov.edu.mk/

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