Sayings about Hapiness and Hope
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Sayings about Hapiness and Hope
TURKEY 1.Ayakları Yerden Kesilmek ( Full of the joys of spring ) 2.Mutluluktan Havalara Uçmak ( I am in the seventh heaven ) 3.Mutluluğun Doruklarında Olmak ( On cloud nine ) 4.Geç Olsun Güç Olmasın ( Better late than never ) 5.Her şerde bir hayır vardır ( Every cloud has a silver lining ) BULGARIA 1.Щастлив е онзи, който може да различи красотата в обикновените неща, където другите не виждат нищо. ( Happy person is who can discern beauty in ordinary things where others see nothing.) 2. Щастието не е нещо готово. Той идва от вашите собствени действия. ( Happiness is not something ready. It comes from your own actions.) 3.Нека бъдем благодарни на хората, които ни правят щастливи; те са очарователните градинари, които карат душите ни да цъфтят. ( Let be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls bloom.) 4. Щастието е единственото нещо, което човек може да раздава без да притежава. ( Happiness is the only thing that person can give away without possessing.) 5. Любовта е главният ключ, който отваря вратите на щастието. ( Love is the main key that opens the door to happiness.) ROMANIA 1. Când intră fericirea pe ușă, săăacia iese pe horn. (When happiness comes in through the door, poverty goes out on the chimney.) 2. Fericit acela care se mulțumește cu puțin. (Happy is the one who is pleased with little.) 3. Fericit e acel ce poate încălzi mai mulți la soba lui. (Happy is the one who can warm more at his stove) 4. Dacă vrei fericire pentru o lună, căsătoreşte-te. Dacă vrei fericire pentru un an, moşteneşte o avere. Dacă vrei fericire toată viaţa, ajută-i pe alţii. (If you want happiness for a month, get married. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for your entire life, help others!) 5. Fericirea nu este ceva gata făcut. Ea vine din faptele tale. ( Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.) NORTH MACEDONIA 1.Најсреќен е оној кој дава среќа на најголем број луѓе. (The happiest is the one who gives happiness to a large number of people.) 2.Среќата не е дестинација, туку начин на патување. (Happiness is not a destination, but a way of traveling.) 3.Секој е среќен исто толку колку што знае да биде среќен. (Everyone is as happy as they know how to be happy.) 4.Има само една среќа во животот - да сакаш и да бидеш сакан. ( I have only one happiness in life - to love and be loved.) 5.Среќата не е награда за доблест, туку самата доблест. (Happiness is not a reward for virtue, but only virtue.) ITALY 1.L’allegria ogni male caccia via. (Joy carries away all evil) 2. Cuor contento il ciel l’aiuta. (If your heart is happy, heaven helps you) 3.C’è più felicità nel dare che nel ricevere. (There is more happiness in giving than in receiving) 4. Il segreto della felicità è la libertà. (The secret of happiness is freedom.) 5. L’immaginazione è la prima fonte della felicità umana. (Imagination is the first source of human happiness) 6. Non credere che si possa diventare felici procurando l’infelicità altrui. (Don't think you can become happy by making other people unhappy.) PORTUGAL 1.Tudo está bem quando acaba bem ( All is well that ends well.) 2. A união faz a força ( Together we are stronger.) 3. Deus ajuda quem cedo madruga (The early bird catches the worm) 4. Grão a grão enche a galinha o papo (Grain by grain the hen fills her belly ) 5. Não deixes para amanhão o que podes fazer hoje (Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today) LITHUANIA 1. Dorybė sutampa su laime (Moral virtue is a means to happiness.) 2. Laimės už pinigus nenusipirksi ( Money doesn’t buy happiness.) 3. Dauguma žmonių yra tiek laimingi, kiek mano esą ( All happiness is in the mind.) 4. Nelaimė visad po pirm eina, o laimė paskui ( Misfortunes make happiness more sweet when it come.) 5. Laimė - kaip stiklas: greit susikūlia ( Happiness and glass break easily.) 6. Meilė duoda žmogui laimę ( Where there is love, there is happiness.) GREECE 1.Παντού υπάρχει ελπίδα (Every cloud has a silver lining) 2. Μην αναζητάς την ευτυχία έρχεται μόνη της (The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet) 3. Η ευτυχία κάνει φίλους και η δυστυχία τους δοκιμάζει (Happiness makes friends and misery tests them.) 4. Μέτρον άριστον. (All things in moderation ) 5. Υπάρχει φως στην άκρη του τούνελ. (There is light at the end of the tunnel ) 6. Σκέψου τα καλά, σκέψου τις ευλογίες σου. (Count your blessings.)

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