Portuguese feedback about the visit to Trikala
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Portuguese feedback about the visit to Trikala
"In just one week, knowing that living with people from other countries, having not only one but multiple languages around us was fantastic! I learned that several types of similar food in the world can be different, both in name, flavor, method of preparation... Having that feeling of being in another country, with other cultures and genres, not just for fun but for learning, made him gain a different view of values and customs." Eduarda "Gostei imenso de participar neste projeto, pois conheci um país novo, novas culturas, novas pessoas e outras línguas. Adorei todos os monumentos que visitamos, foi uma experiência incrível. Senti me super bem, e à vontade para me conseguir comunicar com os outros alunos dos outros países. É uma experiência que recordarei sempre." Sara

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