My biggest dream- better world is a strategic partnership Erasmus+ project between schools, proposed by the Trikala Music school from Greece, in collaboration with:
- Vilnius Zemynos Gymnasium, Vilnius, Lithuania
- Hüseyin Bürge Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey
- Polo Liceale Statale”R. Mattioli”, Italy
- State school for visual impaired children and young, Dimitar Vlahov, Skopje, North Macedonia
- Liceul teoretic "Marin Preda", Turnu Magurele, Romania
- EPRALIMA - Escola Profissional do Alto Lima, C.I.P.R.L. Arcos de Valdevez , Portugal
- Osnovno uchilishte “Nikola Parapunov”, Razlog, Bulgaria.